
basic community中文是什么意思

  • 根本群落



  • 例句与用法
  • The parish is the basic community of our faith life
  • A basic community ' s recessive power network and social structure
  • Study methods for identification and costing of basic community preventive services
  • For the most current list of resources available , see the msdn visual basic community web site
    有关最新的可用资源列表,请参见msdn visual basic社区网站(
  • You can share it easily with friends and coworkers , or other members of the visual basic community
    您可以很容易与朋友和同事或visual basic社区的其他成员共享它。
  • You can also download more library tasks from third - party software vendors and visual basic community sites
    还可以从第三方软件供应商和visual basic社区站点下载更多库任务。
  • In this lesson , you learned about some of the resources available to the world - wide visual basic community
    在本课中,您了解了在世界范围的visual basic社区中可用的一些资源。
  • B . the parish council parish pastoral council must draw up an annual pastoral plan on " marriage and family life " and , according to its ability , promote christian family life and reinforce the existing related groups , such as ecclesial basic communities involving families , couples groups , women s groups , men s groups , etc
    B .堂区议会堂区牧民议会必须订定婚姻及家庭生活的周年牧民计划,按堂区的能力推广家庭信仰生活,并强化现存的有关组织:如家庭信仰小团体夫妇组妇女组男子组等。
  • They should also encourage a couple to join an ecclesial basic community for couples , so that they may share experiences on their married life with the other members , and with them explore new ways to improve the husband - wife relationship , and take part in the activities of related organizations and groups for improving the husband - wife relationship
  • It is considered that in order to build up a new community work mode , the basic community thought , which is " community is our family , and our family must be built up by ourselves " , should be obeyed and the mixture mode management in the foreign countries should be considered , at the same time , the developing way which is " small government , large society and great service " should be insisted on
  • 推荐英语阅读
basic community的中文翻译,basic community是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译basic community,basic community的中文意思,basic community的中文basic community in Chinesebasic community的中文basic community怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
